Wednesday 30 April 2014

And its K-Revolution's Birthday!

Its Inspire Oma's Editor's birthday today. The brain behind this blog.

 I just want to take this time out to wish him the very best of this day. I pray for God's blessings, favour all round. There will never be a better yesterday in your life, you would never live on past success and glory cos the Almighty will renew your strength every morning. Am just excited this dude is beginning another journey of 365 days. Let me take out time to tell you a little about this guy: he's got a great personality, selfless (with every meaning that comes with that word), kind-hearted, a giver, hardworking, intelligent, brave....these are some of the many reasons I love him....there are some persons you meet in life, no matter how short you've known them, they make a great statement in your life and you just know they will always be a part of your life forever. Kingsley Kokogbiya, you will forever be one of the great friends I would come across in life. Happy birthday to you once more. Have a nice one.

Drop your comments wishing our very own, a happy birthday.......

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Finally, Godslove grabbed Andrew's last name!

After months and weeks of planning,the wedding happened. Am super excited, I get to see the fruition of what I was a part of the planning process. All hands (and legs) were on deck to make sure it was a success, and yes, it was. God was faithful and gracious.
So this past weekend, two great personalities i love dearly, 
Andrew and Godslove tied the knot in a grand style. The wedding was superb, not to worry, the pictures will tell u all. The bride and groom were beaming with smiles all over, they danced like never before, I'd never seen her danced like that. Oh! how I wish I had a video clip to show you guys..... love radiating all around them. The bride's name really manifested all through the occasion. These are pictures from the occassion, I didn't get to take much shots....was super busy! Enjoy

 Am so loving this couple.........God bless your home!!!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Police..... My Friend or?

I want to share my experience with our police force recently. I happened to be preparing for my final exams, so I needed to form jackophite for sometime. Decided on going to class at night....the serenity is to die for. Came back from class on this beautiful Saturday morning only to discover my laptop has developed some sort of wings/legs.
My life spinned for a few seconds, yea, you might say "is it because of a laptop?" Trust me, yours will spin when you realise your completed yet to be submitted project work is inside the laptop. Fortunately a boy was caught in the hostel that same night. To say I was happy was the least. I was super excited, until "our friends" the police came and killed my joy/hope. They took the boy to the station, said we should follow them down to the station. Now I want to list out why I think the police force are no where near being a friend.
First, one could easily mistake a cooperate police station for a noisy public market, as the noice around can make one deaf. Secondly, in the presence of the suspect, the policeman asked me " how are you sure he stole your laptop?" Giving the apprehended suspect more room for denial. Thirdly, one of the police woman started ranting about how how careless I was to have left my laptop in MY room. Fifthly, in an attempt to document the case, they asked me to pay #200 for case file(OMG). Furthermore, after two days, they called asking me to report to the station to discuss ways yo go about the case, as the suspect has given clue on who stole the laptop. And from the cooked story, the person happens to stay in Warri. In a way to kill the case, they left me with two options, either I sponsor their mission of arrest to Warri( transport, feeding, and accommodation), or I take the apprehended suspect to court. Where in God's name, do complaints sponsor investigation. I had no other option than to drop the case, as the finance involved in accepting either option, is enough to get myself another laptop.
Now give me a reason why I would go to the police if I ever have a case(I pray I don't).
Tell us, what has been your experience with "our friends"?

Thursday 19 December 2013

Credibility Matters!!!

 The little stuffs we feel doesn't count!!! Everyday thousands of people destroy their integrity with the most insignificant issues, how sad! lets take my case scenario.....
The other day, i got a call from an unknown number, the person at the other end of the line was super annoying, but something kept me from ending the call, probably i didn't want to come across as being rude! He was a stranger, i thought," be Nice". All this while, my Big bro was calling. finally the annoying call ended....oh thank goodness! Okay... so brother of life called back, being the inquisitive brother that he was, he started off with, "who's been calling you", "what were you guys discussing that was taking forever", blablabla..... "why should i discuss my private calls/discussion with you', i asked and his reply was "cos am your BIG Bro" with emphasis o. "Not good enough", i said to myself(fear nor lemme tell am that one o), so i told him some interesting story...Smart, you'd say, right? Wrong move. It turned out my strange caller was my darling brother....yeah yeah, you can laugh..... His next words to me, i dont think i would forget in a hurry "chai, so you can lie like this, if na person tell me, i for no believe am at all". There, my credibility shattered. i tried to explain why i had to and he said the most i could have done is not tell him about it. Thinking about it now, i realise he was right. I could have just said, "hey am not telling you about it, period". He would only go angry for a little while. I dont know if he would be able to trust/believe me next time, i sincerely pray he does.
So what am i trying to say? we should make conscious effort to uphold our integrity. You never know how far it would go for you. So next time you are in that position and you feel its too insignificant a thing to say, trust me, the most you can say is am not telling you, the person deserves that much truth.

"I am different from [George] Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't."— Mark Twain

Okay enough of my integrity talk stomach calls out.... i need to feed meeeeeeeeee......... until next time, let us all stay CREDIBLE....

Thursday 12 December 2013


Sorry I haven’t blogged for a long time now, I’ve had little or no time for myself….. *smiles* life’s getting in the way. 
 Back to the topic….. I was recently faced with a critical decision that I didn’t know where and how to decide (not that am not good at decision making, but I have this problem of wanting to please almost everyone, especially when you are dear to me). So in my usual self of pleasing, I went all out to seek peoples opinion, I asked everyone that cared to give me a listening ear what I should do. After everyone has aired their opinion, I went with what the majority said. And after all said and done, I felt I made the biggest mistake ever….why didn’t I go with the minority or better still, my heart! Where the people wrong about their opinion? NO WAY, they are not! Was I wrong to have gone with the crowd? Naaa, I don’t think so, but was I fulfilled? Not even an inch close to that. So I said to myself, “Oma, when next you are to make a critical decision, go with your heart. You might be wrong, YES but at least you’d be fulfilled”.
Now this is me wanting to know your opinion. If you are faced with a situation which seems more like a dilemma, what would you do? Would you seek people’s opinion and go with majority than minority, or you'd go with your heart?  Tell me what you will do on that ground.

Saturday 9 November 2013

How "EGO" can destroy even your best relationship.

Anyone who has read me knows that there is something I say over and over again (because it is so
important!): To be able to truly love yourself and to truly be able to love someone else, you must drop the ego. This is absolutely essential to finding an amazing relationship, but it’s equally critical to maintaining and continually improving a relationship once you’re already in it.
Nothing will kill a relationship (even the best of relationships) more quickly than ego. Here are 6 ways your ego can kill your relationship, and how to avoid having your ego ruin your relationship.

1.Resist The Temptation To Defend Yourself: Think about the number of times you’ve fought with a significant other, and whenever things get a little heated you start to defend yourself. All you hear is you being attacked, and you immediately go into “defending yourself” mode. Do you know that when you defend yourself in a fight, what’s really happening is your ego is defending itself.
It also means that you’ve stopped listening to the other person.  If someone tells you that they don’t like the way you’ve been acting lately, why not hear them out instead of defending yourself? It will almost always create a MUCH better outcome. 

2.To Love Yourself And Someone Else Completely You Must Separate The Ego: In order to truly love someone, you must separate your ego from yourself. This is also true if you want to be able to totally love yourself. Now, I know that in a perfect world, we would never be ego-driven. This is not a perfect world of course, so let’s get real. We are all ego-driven to some extent or another, so let’s acknowledge it and embrace that we need to separate the ego to cultivate and maintain a truly amazing relationship with someone.
3.Your Ego Can Ruin Any Conversation: The truth is that no matter how much you prepare, plan and hope for a good conversation with your significant other, your ego is the one thing that will consistently ruin any conversation you’re about to have if you let it. 
Let’s say your significant other is frustrated with you in one way or another and really needs to express something about that to you. How do you respond? If you let your ego get involved and you defend yourself, it means that you’re not listening to them.
In order to really listen to somebody, it’s uncomfortable.  Sometimes your significant other has things that are really bothering them about which they want to talk to you, but which you would rather not hear. To maintain a great relationship, however, you can’t let your ego keep you from really listening

So the next time you see your ego getting involved in your relationship, get rid of it! If you find yourself defending yourself or not allowing you to really listen, then you need to take a step back. Listen carefully to what’s really being said, and use it to create the most amazing relationship.


You are not alone, of course. While no one excuses bad behavior like growling at a colleague at 3
p.m. for "not being an afternoon person," society has somehow accepted that it's okay to grunt, stumble and bitch our way through the start of every day. And so we do. What we don't realize is it's not just our bodies but our souls as well that need sustenance for a long day ahead, and just like a good breakfast can start the day off right, a good outlook at 6:30 a.m. can shape the way you get through to 6:30 p.m.

Here are five things you probably already did wrong this morning -- and five ways you can get every day off to a better start, including breaking up with your snooze button once and for all.
  1. Don't predict the future. Stub your toe in the middle of the afternoon and you think, "ouch." But stub it at 7 a.m. and somehow it becomes an omen, a sign that this is going to be "one of those days." Talk about yourself-fulfilling prophesies.
    Instead, savor the present. Pick one thing to be grateful for that's unique to today. Maybe it's a beautiful morning. Maybe it's a cold miserable morning but you have a great new coat to wear. Maybe it's the person in bed next to you, or maybe it's the fact that you have the bed all to yourself. However you look at it, there is always something. It's up to you to find it.

  2. Don't use a morning screw up as an excuse all day. You're in a hurry, haven't had breakfast and so you grab a handful of Oreos for the road. Then lunch rolls around and you let yourself have extra-large fries and a burger -- hey, you've already blown the diet.
    Instead, take control of your own reset button. Some mornings there will be Oreos and other things you could have done better. Recognize that the problem is not the cookies, it's you. Forgive yourself, then challenge yourself. I had Oreos for breakfast so I will take a long walk at lunch...

  3. Don't wake up to your to-do list. Busy, successful people have a hard time letting go of their obligations. That's not a bad thing... once your day begins. No matter what kinds of things are on your to do list, to start stewing over them while flossing in the shower is to miss the shower itself, that little bit of luxury to which we treat ourselves each morning. So you don't enjoy your shower AND nothing on your to do list gets done.
    Instead, force yourself to think of at least one thing you get to do today. That's very different from have to do. This one thing is sure to give you pleasure and joy... a good hot shower counts, so does a hug from your child, a great song on your iPod to listen to on the way to work, and any number of small things you are lucky enough to get to experience. You still get to your to-do list, so don't worry.

  4. Don't settle. Everyone has a few favorite outfits -- the suit that makes you feel like you belong in the C-Suite, the pants that make you look particularly skinny. When you are wearing these outfits the answer is always yes -- yes, I want to be president of the PTA, yes, I want to stop by that cocktail party after work. Then there are the "I'm not going to see anyone today, so I guess I'll wear these," shoes that you swear add 10 years to your look. Every time you put on an outfit you don't like you are telling yourself all the things you won't do today, all the possibilities that won't happen or the chances you won't take. And all that before you even go downstairs for coffee.
    Instead, edit and forget it. If you don't like it, get rid of it -- even if you have worn it in the last two years. Stick to fewer, better pieces that really work for you. If you wouldn't wear it to your high school reunion, you don't need to own it anymore.

  5. And finally, back to the snooze button. For goodness sakes, cut it out. Every time you hit the snooze button you are not doing what it is you set out to do that morning, which is get out of bed at whatever time you set the alarm for. You are therefore failing, miserably, at your first task of the day. Those seven minutes of guilty, woozy, semi-sleep is just not worth the karmic hangover.
    Instead, set the alarm for the time you actually have to get up and do it. There, a sense of purpose and accomplishment, and you're still in your pajamas. And a final, bonus don't: Don't blame the bed. There is no wrong side to get up on, only wrong paths to go down.