Thursday 12 December 2013


Sorry I haven’t blogged for a long time now, I’ve had little or no time for myself….. *smiles* life’s getting in the way. 
 Back to the topic….. I was recently faced with a critical decision that I didn’t know where and how to decide (not that am not good at decision making, but I have this problem of wanting to please almost everyone, especially when you are dear to me). So in my usual self of pleasing, I went all out to seek peoples opinion, I asked everyone that cared to give me a listening ear what I should do. After everyone has aired their opinion, I went with what the majority said. And after all said and done, I felt I made the biggest mistake ever….why didn’t I go with the minority or better still, my heart! Where the people wrong about their opinion? NO WAY, they are not! Was I wrong to have gone with the crowd? Naaa, I don’t think so, but was I fulfilled? Not even an inch close to that. So I said to myself, “Oma, when next you are to make a critical decision, go with your heart. You might be wrong, YES but at least you’d be fulfilled”.
Now this is me wanting to know your opinion. If you are faced with a situation which seems more like a dilemma, what would you do? Would you seek people’s opinion and go with majority than minority, or you'd go with your heart?  Tell me what you will do on that ground.


  1. whenever am not sure about peoples opinion, i always do what feels right in my heart.

  2. Thanks Uchenna... I learnt that the hard way.

  3. In my opinion I think a combination of what U feel anD advice gotten from people(Note to be compared to what the scriptures say) I.E an informed and Unbiased. Step does wonders and finaly if only we can but hear from God before making decisions we will always get it right. Boss U could see all is centered on GOD basicly becaused even the most informed decision can be wrong.

  4. Most times, weneva I'm faced with a situation. Trust me, I seek ppl's opinion well. But @ d end of d day, I still end up doin wat's in my heart (which is usually d first thought) den I ask myself d question...wat was rilly d point seeking ppl's opinion?. If it turns out good, fine! And If it doesn't I take responsibility 4 my actions.

  5. Exactly my point... I realised that whenever we take up people's opinion and it doesn't turn out so well, we tend to blame them. And I believe a matured mind is about taking responsibility. Thanks Nd for ur contribution.

  6. Hahaha...Oma you aint serious o....this same issue? I thought I told you already....ALWAYS follow your heart. Ditch what people are gonna say. My problem with you is your willingness to please everyone, it will get you into a mess one day o. Learn!!! #KAY#

  7. Well, I embrace the fact that I'm unique and that it's best that way. These days I see people trying to just "fit in" ruining their live by abusing alcohol and drugs. This saddens me..

    1. Yea you are totally right. A lot of us have to realise that though. Thanks for stopping by

  8. I used to worry a lot and try so much to please people, but I end up hating myself afterwards. The truth is you cannot please everyone. The most you can do is the RIGHT thing.

    1. I agree with you. Doing the right thing is what's important. Thanks Onyeka, I appreciate your stopping by.
