Thursday 19 December 2013

Credibility Matters!!!

 The little stuffs we feel doesn't count!!! Everyday thousands of people destroy their integrity with the most insignificant issues, how sad! lets take my case scenario.....
The other day, i got a call from an unknown number, the person at the other end of the line was super annoying, but something kept me from ending the call, probably i didn't want to come across as being rude! He was a stranger, i thought," be Nice". All this while, my Big bro was calling. finally the annoying call ended....oh thank goodness! Okay... so brother of life called back, being the inquisitive brother that he was, he started off with, "who's been calling you", "what were you guys discussing that was taking forever", blablabla..... "why should i discuss my private calls/discussion with you', i asked and his reply was "cos am your BIG Bro" with emphasis o. "Not good enough", i said to myself(fear nor lemme tell am that one o), so i told him some interesting story...Smart, you'd say, right? Wrong move. It turned out my strange caller was my darling brother....yeah yeah, you can laugh..... His next words to me, i dont think i would forget in a hurry "chai, so you can lie like this, if na person tell me, i for no believe am at all". There, my credibility shattered. i tried to explain why i had to and he said the most i could have done is not tell him about it. Thinking about it now, i realise he was right. I could have just said, "hey am not telling you about it, period". He would only go angry for a little while. I dont know if he would be able to trust/believe me next time, i sincerely pray he does.
So what am i trying to say? we should make conscious effort to uphold our integrity. You never know how far it would go for you. So next time you are in that position and you feel its too insignificant a thing to say, trust me, the most you can say is am not telling you, the person deserves that much truth.

"I am different from [George] Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't."— Mark Twain

Okay enough of my integrity talk stomach calls out.... i need to feed meeeeeeeeee......... until next time, let us all stay CREDIBLE....

Thursday 12 December 2013


Sorry I haven’t blogged for a long time now, I’ve had little or no time for myself….. *smiles* life’s getting in the way. 
 Back to the topic….. I was recently faced with a critical decision that I didn’t know where and how to decide (not that am not good at decision making, but I have this problem of wanting to please almost everyone, especially when you are dear to me). So in my usual self of pleasing, I went all out to seek peoples opinion, I asked everyone that cared to give me a listening ear what I should do. After everyone has aired their opinion, I went with what the majority said. And after all said and done, I felt I made the biggest mistake ever….why didn’t I go with the minority or better still, my heart! Where the people wrong about their opinion? NO WAY, they are not! Was I wrong to have gone with the crowd? Naaa, I don’t think so, but was I fulfilled? Not even an inch close to that. So I said to myself, “Oma, when next you are to make a critical decision, go with your heart. You might be wrong, YES but at least you’d be fulfilled”.
Now this is me wanting to know your opinion. If you are faced with a situation which seems more like a dilemma, what would you do? Would you seek people’s opinion and go with majority than minority, or you'd go with your heart?  Tell me what you will do on that ground.