Wednesday 30 April 2014

And its K-Revolution's Birthday!

Its Inspire Oma's Editor's birthday today. The brain behind this blog.

 I just want to take this time out to wish him the very best of this day. I pray for God's blessings, favour all round. There will never be a better yesterday in your life, you would never live on past success and glory cos the Almighty will renew your strength every morning. Am just excited this dude is beginning another journey of 365 days. Let me take out time to tell you a little about this guy: he's got a great personality, selfless (with every meaning that comes with that word), kind-hearted, a giver, hardworking, intelligent, brave....these are some of the many reasons I love him....there are some persons you meet in life, no matter how short you've known them, they make a great statement in your life and you just know they will always be a part of your life forever. Kingsley Kokogbiya, you will forever be one of the great friends I would come across in life. Happy birthday to you once more. Have a nice one.

Drop your comments wishing our very own, a happy birthday.......

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Finally, Godslove grabbed Andrew's last name!

After months and weeks of planning,the wedding happened. Am super excited, I get to see the fruition of what I was a part of the planning process. All hands (and legs) were on deck to make sure it was a success, and yes, it was. God was faithful and gracious.
So this past weekend, two great personalities i love dearly, 
Andrew and Godslove tied the knot in a grand style. The wedding was superb, not to worry, the pictures will tell u all. The bride and groom were beaming with smiles all over, they danced like never before, I'd never seen her danced like that. Oh! how I wish I had a video clip to show you guys..... love radiating all around them. The bride's name really manifested all through the occasion. These are pictures from the occassion, I didn't get to take much shots....was super busy! Enjoy

 Am so loving this couple.........God bless your home!!!