Monday 30 September 2013

The most beautiful discovery true friends make.

"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart"  
Elbert Hubbard said “A friend is one who knows you and loves you all the same”
  When we were kids, She was very “THIN” (sometimes one get’s scared she might break into separate piece). Her dark skin is what stands her out as a real African woman (her pride). A stroke of the Cane was her worst enemy; the thought of it makes her really sick. We were all kids who knew little or nothing about life, didn’t know what friendship was until ours was tested.
“My parents are coming to take me with them back to Port-Harcourt, I’d be living there”. She said casually one day knowing she’s been staying with granny since she was a toddler. Finally parents came and “MY FRIEND WAS GONE”. I didn’t cry but did felt her absence. I later heard she came, oh my…I practically toured the whole town looking for her, but never saw her (never told her this story, till when she will read this lol!). I went home disappointed and yet happy because I realized somewhere out there I have a friend I treasure and am willing to get back and tell how I treasure her. Sometime later, heard her mum was around, “what can I do?” as a child, I asked my mum anxiously… she said I should write. I did. I look back now and I laugh each time I remember the content of that letter. She replied and I was the happiest child when I got it. I told myself “its just about time” I will see her again.
  One day after secondary school days, I saw the aunt and she told me my friend’s mum came around but she’s gone back. I asked her for the mum’s number, she gave me and I called, it was during the Christmas period. “I want to speak to my friend”, I told the mum, your friend isn’t around, she has traveled for the holidays” she replied. I could guess the mum felt my excitement vanished at her reply. Moments after, I could pardon anyone’s offense due to great excitement as I scribbled her number down. I called and called and called but the service provider kept saying NOT REACHABLE. I still didn’t get to hear from her as I later realized I had missed a digit or two off her phone number). Finally in my 200l in the university, I was told her aunt was to wed, and I was in her train, I was happy. My happiness shot up like a rocket when I realized my friend would be around, I’m finally going to see her. Eve to the wedding, 19th of Dec, 2009, I went home for a lot of reasons with seeing her being the topmost. I got home, I couldn’t even wait to eat my food(my mama’s delicacy), I ran to my friend’s house, getting there, she wasn’t around. My heart was racing,” my friend where art thou”, I stood, I sat, I mumbled, I fumbled like a child, waiting impatiently for her. Finally she came, one would expect that I’d hug her, right? Never did that. Was just stealing glances at her. We talked like we never lost contact and the bombshell, she was in the same university as I was, and we never saw, I exclaimed. But then our school life routes are in opposite directions. 2009 till present, and we are still waxing stronger in friendship. She is my first friend, my clown, my sister.
   Blue is her favorite colour, sleeping, eating, and taking pictures her hobby. She talks a lot and I’ll always listen. She loves music (she’s got the most crooked voice ever…hahahaha). From Umuebu in Ukwuani local government of Delta state. A graduate of the University of Benin (did I mention, she is a scholar). One girl who believes in her self, and with a unique slogan “nor be by say the weave-on, shirt/top, or shoe fine, na by WHO wear am”. YEA as her commonly used word. In all these, I love her. GIFT NDUDI OYOME, if you are reading this right now, I want to say “ I treasure you”
                                                                                                                        “Ndudi nwa Jerry”.
Pics after the cut........
Myself n Ndudi

aAnd that is the story that changed my view on the "ship" called friendship.

“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”

As one statement can change a life, so can one story. Send us your friendship story, their photograph, and contacts for publication and shout out. Send to…….

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Fruity Tuesday............Banana

Banana health benefits are comparable to any other type of fruit. In fact, banana have several positive benefits that many other fruits do not have. These yellow skinned fruits are ideal for health because they have a sweet taste that all most every one of us enjoy. Knowing the banana health benefits and other positive things that banana can be used will likely give us a new appreciation for this popular fruit.

A Banana a Day...
Instead of eating an apple each day for optimum health, the adage should state that a banana each day keeps the doctor away. Banana has got more vitamins and nutrients than their round counterparts, apple. It has two times as many carbohydrates, five times as much Vitamin A and Iron and three times as much Phosphorous and natural sugar than apple. All of these makes Banana a ''super food''.

Banana provides Energy
Due to the abundance of vitamins and minerals, banana are a great source of natural energy. Eating two banana will give you enough energy to workout for one and a half hour. It is ideal for eating during midday day when you feel tired  and sluggish. Instead of caffeine, banana provides a longer lasting energy.

The richness in Potassium helps the body's circulatory system deliver oxygen to the brain. It also helps maintain a regular heartbeat and a proper balance of water in the body. Potassium is also helpful for reducing strokes and regulating blood pressure. Potassium suppresses the calcium excretion in the urine and minimizes the risk of kidney stones.

Banana can lift your Spirit
Banana have a chemical called Tryptophan- a mood regulating substance, which contains a level of protein that helps the mind relax so you feel happier. People suffering from depression often report feeling better after eating banana(

Banana, a friend to our monthly visitor
This is to the ladies. Instead of taking pills designed to reduce our menstrual pain, banana can be a great help. Banana have a high level of vitamin B6 that helps to regulate blood glucose level and help your overall mood.
Also, because of their calming properties, pregnant women often eat banana to combat their morning sickness. in addition, they also help to replenish the body and restore healthy blood glucose level, helps also in regulating a pregnant woman's temperature. 

Increase Our Brain Power with Banana
Banana can also help our mind. According to a survey carried on 200 students who were asked to eat on banana three times a day- breakfast, recess and lunch time- along with their normal meal. it was found that, the potassium in the banana boosted their brainpower and made them more alert during their classes while they followed the regimen.
Banana can also help people who are trying to quit smoking. the B vitamins and other mineral that they contain reduce the physical and psychological effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Banana soothes Ulcer
As a way to prevent and treat ulcers, banana helps to reduce the acidity that some food can leave in the stomach. They also reduce the irritation of the digestive system by leaving a protective coating around the inner walls, making it a natural way to promote intestinal health as well.. Since they help to neutralize acidity, they are also a great way to get rid of heartburn. They act as a natural antacid and they quickly soothe the burn.
                                                                                                            culled from: J.A Social

Its Fruity Tuesday...... Enjoy your Banana till next Fruity Tuesday when we bring another fruit your way.

Sunday 1 September 2013


Once upon a time, Garri(Eba) advanced from serving as food for man, to a very romantic gold which both the rich and the poor could aford. When placing rings inside Garri(eba) was the order of the day. Placing rings in drinks followed, then Garri(Eba) lost its golden value. As Goldspot, Limca, and Coca-Cola would want even a day old to propose.
 As God will have it, 21st Century started when it was discovered that, the idea and intention behind the acts is what is appealing. Guys evolved, then Goldspot and Limca was no more, as kneeling on one leg became a course of study.
 Now getting down on one knee simply is no longer enough for some folks out there. Thanks for the internet, awesome marriage proposals can now get help from motorcycles, robots, or Bruno Mars are not left alone. These sweet display of love are the perfect antidote to your cynism.
Nigeria University Of Kneeling has been shut down. Girls, what ideal proposal do you wish for? And guys what's your say.